

  • 打开应用市场
  • 在搜索框中输入“v2rayng”
  • 点击安装按钮进行安装


  • 打开v2rayng应用
  • 点击右下角的加号按钮
  • 选择添加订阅或手动配置服务器
  • 根据所选方式填入相关信息
  • 点击保存并选择已添加的服务器进行连接


  • 无法连接服务器怎么办?
    • 检查网络连接是否正常
    • 检查服务器配置信息是否正确
  • 如何更新订阅信息?
    • 进入v2rayng应用,点击订阅设置,选择手动更新或自动更新
  • 是否支持多平台同步?
    • 支持,可以在不同设备上使用相同的订阅信息

People also ask

  • How do I install v2rayng on my Huawei phone?
    • Follow the steps mentioned in the ‘软件安装’ section of this article.
  • How do I connect v2rayng on my Huawei phone?
    • Refer to the ‘使用教程’ section for detailed instructions on connecting v2rayng.
  • What should I do if I can’t connect to the server?
    • Check your network connection and ensure the server configuration is correct. You can find more troubleshooting tips in the ‘常见问题’ section.
  • Can I sync v2rayng across multiple platforms?
    • Yes, v2rayng supports syncing subscription information across different devices.