Shadowsocks DNS设置教程

Shadowsocks DNS Setting Tutorial

What is Shadowsocks DNS Setting?

Shadowsocks is a tool for encrypting and proxying network data based on the Socks5 proxy protocol. When using Shadowsocks, DNS setting is a crucial part, as it involves the DNS servers used for connection and the domain name resolution process.

How to Set DNS for Shadowsocks Client?

Here are the steps to set DNS for the Shadowsocks client:

  • Open the Shadowsocks client and go to the settings interface.
  • Find the DNS setting option, usually located in advanced settings or network settings.
  • Input the custom DNS server address, which can be a public DNS service such as and, or a self-built DNS server address.
  • Save the settings and reconnect Shadowsocks.

Common DNS Setting Issues and Solutions

1. Slow DNS Resolution

  • It may be due to slow DNS server response, try changing to a faster DNS server address.
  • Check if the network connection is stable to confirm that the slow resolution is not caused by a network issue.

2. DNS Pollution or Hijacking

  • Use well-known domestic and foreign DNS servers, such as Alibaba DNS and Google DNS, to enhance the ability to resist DNS pollution and hijacking.
  • Consider using encrypted protocols such as DNS over HTTPS (DoH) or DNS over TLS (DoT) to improve the security of DNS requests.

3. DNS Settings Not Taking Effect

  • Check if the Shadowsocks client has successfully saved the DNS settings to ensure that the settings have taken effect.
  • Try restarting the Shadowsocks client and the device, as sometimes a restart is needed to make the DNS settings take effect.


How to Set DNS for Shadowsocks Client on Windows?

On the Windows system, you can set the DNS for the Shadowsocks client by following these steps:

  • Open the Shadowsocks client and go to the settings interface.
  • Find the DNS setting option in “Advanced Settings” or “Network Settings”.
  • Input the server addresses for the preferred DNS and alternate DNS.
  • Save the settings and reconnect Shadowsocks.

Does Shadowsocks DNS Setting Affect Network Speed?

DNS settings usually have a certain impact on network speed, especially when encountering slow DNS resolution or DNS pollution. Correctly setting DNS can improve network access speed and security.

Why Can’t My Shadowsocks Client Use Custom DNS?

It may be due to network environment or DNS setting issues. You can try changing to a different DNS server address or check if the network connection and Shadowsocks client settings are normal.

How to Verify if the Shadowsocks Client Successfully Uses Custom DNS?

You can check by accessing specific websites or domain names, reviewing the resolution logs, or using network tools to verify if the DNS requests are using the set custom DNS server addresses.
